Wednesday, March 7, 2007

past couple of days

so life has been kinda boring lately.yesterday was the TEC open house and that was fun.i didnt go to school just so i could stay at tec all that class is way different then the AM class.i was working on our video all day and when it came time to export it made me so still hasnt.i bought 9 bucks worth of scratch off tickets and i won 4 bucks.but thats all i kinda sucked.i think its tome to stop buying them.ill take the advice of on-lookers and visited me at the open house and that was nice to see her, but it always is.i tired getting people to join DMT which is our TEC class.i think we got a couple people.who after that i went to coleys house and just chilled and relaxed.i actually feel asleep on her shoulder and her on was soooo cute.then today marine city wasnt at TEC and that half my class but then again we only have 4 people. 2 from PH and 2 from me and kristen gotta see mrs.holladays camera.its sweet.if i had money i would buy one.she asked if i wanted to go on a video shoot with her and i said yes.all day today i have been wearing a marysville varsity jacket.thats kinda funny because PH and marysville got into a huge fight like last week.i thought i was gonna get beat up but i didnt.which is a good thing. after school i was driving home and almost got into a car accident.because marzette came running up to the passenger window just as i was pulling out into the road.i was like half way out.she gets outta school like 10 minutes before me and there was no reason she wasnt at the when i pulled out into the road there was a car there that i didnt see.i almost hit the side of it.that would of been bad.real bad.i waited for coley to come over then we went and met mrs.holladay at pine groove park to shoot video of ice.yes it was interesting tho.after we were done there me and coley came back to my house and played a long game of mario party.that is always a fun game.its prolly my favorite.the past couple of days hasnt been to exciting.there were a few high points i think but who knows.

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