Saturday, September 8, 2007


so college started last week and its going not used to so much work tho.i wish i would worked harder in high school.i just got a skype account and that thing is sweet.i can make unlimited calls for $9 for 3 sweet is that.its almost like a cell phone but not as sweet.i saw the new ipods today and i want one of each soooo bad.160 gigs of pure ipodness.its amazing how far they have came in the technology.that new ipod touch is the best tho.wifi on a mp3 cant even call them music players anymore its like a computer but only 3.5 inches.i went and visited JH the other was her bday so i took her coffee from starbucks.she is my favorite teacher of all time.she really has changed my life.thats a good person right there.well its 6:30 pm and im still in my PJs.i know its sad but ive been doing homework on and off all now its time to get ready for the day.

1 comment:

JH said...

Thanks Carl. Your coffee was the highlight of my day. I am lucky to have had a student like you.